Receiving long term residence permit in the Czech Republic

When I looked my previous blog posts, one is attracting my attention; Applying long term residence permit in Prague (unfortunately, it is in Turkish, you should use Google Translate if you need 🙂 ). After this old post, unfortunately, I can not write about this topic, cause my application was in process. I was looking forward ending of it. 

Finally (oh yeah, finally 🙂 ), I got my permit in August. I will tell you how I received (after applying) my long term residence permit in the Czech Republic within this post.

First of all, I need to say that the application period was explained in the above-mentioned link. So, this post is about the process after application.

I applied for long term residence (even though I went to immigration office to apply extending long term visa, with the guidance of the officer -because they said that it is not necessary to extend my visa, I can apply for long term residence directly after taking the first long term visa- I applied for long term residence). The officer said that it would probably be accepted in 60 days. In these 60 days, I was going to travel, so I took bridge visa which I need for travelling. By the way, bridge visa is a kind of visa which you can get from the immigration office, while your application is in the process, to be able to travel and in case of any police controlling.

I waited until June, at the beginning of June my residence permit was accepted (note that: you can control your application is accepted yet or not from this link).  At this stage, I need to take two different appointments; first to give my biometry info, second to receive my card. And immigration office gave 17th July just for the biometry appointment even we were at the beginning of June. My bridge visa was up to 2nd July, so I needed more days until 17th July (for travelling). I took my bridge visa until the 16th July from the immigration office easily without any appointment, just waiting 2.5 hours :). 

When the time is up, I went for biometry appointment to the immigration office, I gave my biometry info and took another appointment for taking my long term residence card (from now on they are not sticking visa to your passport, giving your residence card and you are travelling with passport and this card). Anyway, I took my new appointment for after 15 days to receive my card. In this appointment, I should pay 2500 CZK while taking the card. (The price is changing regarding the type of your visa, for example, my husband paid 2000 CZK for his long term residence card/the employment visa) In my case, finally, I could get my card and finished this process at the beginning of August :). 

Note that; your registered address is written on the card. When you change your address, you should apply immigration office again for changing your card. (You should pay some money again for this also 🙁 )

Ladies and gentlemen, this post is especially for the people, who is gonna move to Prague for a long term and also a follow-up my previous post about our adventure of applying long term residence. 

Thank God, my process is over. If yours are on going, I hope a good luck for struggling with the bureaucracy and the non-English speaker officers 🙂


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